By Dr David Kluge Summertime in Montana means a bustle of activity. For many, that activity includes heading to the mountains or lake to take in the beautiful scenery of… more Camping with Allergies
Category: Provider Advice
Prostate Cancer Screening – Clear as Mud
simple math, right? Well, that about explains the look I sometimes get when trying to explain prostate cancer screening to some of my patients. The topic can be hotly debated,… more Prostate Cancer Screening – Clear as Mud
Protect your erection with these tips
by Dr. Charles Wilson Erectile dysfunction becomes more common as men age. Very often, erectile dysfunction is a marker for poor cardiovascular health. But it does not have to be… more Protect your erection with these tips
If the shoe fits…
One of the most frequent questions I am asked as a Podiatrist is, “why feet?” In a world where specialization is much more the norm, and you can see a specialist for just about any part of the body, feet seemed to be a natural fit for me because of my background in distance running.